Advocates Support Senate Self-Driving Legislation Provisions for Disabled Americans

Senate Commerce Committee to vote tomorrow on S. 1885, The AV START Act

October 3, 2017

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation today released letters from organizational advocates for disabled, blind, and senior Americans, who will gain greater future mobility thanks to self-driving vehicle technology and bipartisan legislation, S. 1885, The AV START Act, proposed by Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.).

Support for provisions assisting disabled Americans in S. 1885, The AV START Act:

“We urge the committee to promptly move this bill through its process to expedite the Senate’s passage of this important and transformative legislation. People with disabilities suffer greatly from a lack of reliable and accessible transportation options.  Autonomous vehicles have the potential to transform how Americans, with and without disabilities, move about their communities.  The potential to save lives by reducing automobile accidents due to human error creates an extraordinarily compelling motive for public policy to embrace the use of these vehicles on public roads.  In doing so, people with disabilities must be able to enjoy these safety benefits along with the increased mobility that comes with this innovation.” - Helena Berger, President & CEO, American Association of People with Disabilities

“The National Federation of the Blind, the country’s largest organization of blind Americans, strongly endorses the current iteration of Senate autonomous vehicle legislation, presently titled the “AV START Act of 2017.” Along with that support, we urge members of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee to move swiftly toward markup and ultimate passage of the bill.”
- Mark Riccobono, President, National Federation of the Blind

“I write to commend the inclusion of disability considerations in the current Senate staff discussion draft of the “AV Start Act of 2017;” to encourage the inclusion of those provisions in the legislation to be introduced; and to urge prompt consideration and markup of the bill once introduced.”
- Clyde Terry, Chairperson, National Council on Disability

“As you well know, automated vehicle innovation stands to revolutionize our transportation system, increasing fuel efficiency and diversity, enhancing mobility and independence, saving tens of thousands of lives each year, and changing the lives of millions more— including Americans with disabilities and our nation’s senior citizens. We commend your efforts to respond rapidly to these emerging technologies with thoughtful, well-constructed legislation.” –
Joint letter from Securing America’s Future Energy, National Federation of the Blind, National Association of the Deaf, National Cued Speech Association, Segs4Vets, 60 Plus Association

